January 2025
Starting Over?
Are you starting over in a new city and/or state and trying to find your Esthetician? If you’re new to an area, you know how challenging it can be to find new providers for all your necessities. How should you go about finding someone for your skincare, waxing and makeup needs? Do the research, Google and Bing are great search engines. Word of mouth, driving by and seeing signage, networking groups, business cards and flyers you see up, asking people you come across in your local circles. Remember to ask questions to make sure your Esthetician knows what they are[...]
November 2024
The Wax Flinger in the News
The Wax Flinger was profiled recently on the Habari Entertainment website: Spotlight on Excellence: The Wax Flinger Esthetics At Habari Entertainment, we celebrate passionate entrepreneurs shaping their industries with vision and dedication. Today, we’re proud to feature Melissa Avila, the founder of The Wax Flinger Esthetics, a thriving esthetics business in Arizona. Melissa sat down with us to share the story behind her brand, the services she offers, and the unique philosophy that sets her apart. The Beginning of The Wax Flinger Esthetics Every business has its story, and for Melissa, it all started with purple wax splattered on a[...]
August 2024
Cross Dressing vs Transitioning
I wanted to put a little bit of information together to explain the difference between those individuals that like to cross dress and those who are actuallytransitioning from one gender to another. Men who enjoy cross dressing, do so intermittently and I explain it as an urge or desire that comes and goes. Some may want to cross dress once a week, once a month or a few times a year. Individuals that are transitioning from one gender to another are choosing to live their lives full time as that newly assigned gender. Neither of these has anything to[...]
July 2024
What it takes to become a licensed Esthetician
I’m asked quite often, to my surprise, if Estheticians have to go to school or have a license. The answer is absolutely! The average amount of hours needed in most states is 600, some require more some require less. What is the difference between and Aesthetician, Esthetician, Cosmetologist, Nail Tech, Barber? Think of Cosmetology as the tree and all the other categories are the branches, Cosmetologists go to school for quite a bit longer but their education focuses more on cutting and chemical services on the hair with a small emphasis on the other areas. They are licensed to do[...]
Why taking care of your beard is cool!
We use vegan based products that will naturally nourish and moisturize the skin and beard. A beard treatment helps stimulate blood circulation, softens the skin and beard, and hair growth while keeping it tangle free. Our beard oil is made with natural fixed oils such as Rosehip oil, avocado oil, and argan oil. It helps promote collagen, reduces appearances of wrinkles, burns and scars. The oils have a lot of vitamins to soothe and fight ingrown hairs. Beard oils are SO important. They help with growth, the strength of hair, and help keep the beard clean and make it[...]
Manscaping: taming the mongoose
The crew from "I Am Athlete" break it down. You don’t have to be an NFL player to tame the Mongoose. Removing your pubic hair via waxing has many added benefits.
Top 10 reasons why Dermaplaning is good for you
This technique is used with a straight rigid blade as opposed to a flexible blade which is what a “shaving” blade or razor is. A rigid blade not only removes vellus hair or peach fuzz, it is designed to remove several weeks of dead surface cells as well. You should not try and dermplane your own face because the blade needs to be held at a 45 degree angle and the skin must be held taught. It is very easy to knick your skin if this technique is not properly done. It is physiologically impossible for vellus hair to[...]
The new normal of hair removal services
"Is a woman willing to perform intimate services involving nudity for women obliged to perform the same services for any male who claims to be a woman?" This article in The Economist brings to light the gray area when it’s comes to services like waxing. You need to be highly experienced to offer hair removal for the genitalia area for any sex. I made sure that I had plenty of experience and felt confident in the service I would be providing. Tattoo artists and piercers have to pierce all kinds of body parts that are in intimate areas but they[...]
“A Male Brazilian Wax Is a Painful Way to Make Your Junk Look, Uh, Bigger”
Great article from GQ: A Male Brazilian Wax Is a Painful Way to Make Your Junk Look, Uh, Bigger All the reasons to get waxed below the belt outweigh the reasons not to. Comfort, looks, hygiene and feeling/sensation. A good waxing by a skilled professional will get you hooked! In terms of scale, not being buried in a forest of hair makes your, um, you know, look bigger. The end result also makes the area suddenly look more aesthetically pleasing, like a Greek statue. Read the rest here.
Pilonidal (tailbone) cysts
If you’re reading this more than likely you’ve heard of this and may have actually been diagnosed with it. If you haven’t heard of this, it’s a cyst that’s typically located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. This happens in Men and Women and can be irritated by long periods of sitting. The cysts usually occur when the hair punctures the skin and then becomes embedded. The best way to avoid this painful cyst from appearing is to wax the hair on and around it. I have seen these over the years of[...]