If you’re reading this more than likely you’ve heard of this and may have actually been diagnosed with it. If you haven’t heard of this, it’s a cyst that’s typically located near the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. This happens in Men and Women and can be irritated by long periods of sitting.

The cysts usually occur when the hair punctures the skin and then becomes embedded. The best way to avoid this painful cyst from appearing is to wax the hair on and around it.

I have seen these over the years of waxing but it seems that it’s becoming more common for Doctors to refer their patients to an esthetician to have the area waxed. This is awesome education for all of us and I am happy to oblige in offering the ability to wax this area.

This is a very simple, fast and painless area to have waxed. If you’d like to book this service, you may do so by booking online and clicking on the service marked “butt cheeks and or crack” or you can email thewaxflinger@gmail.com and let me know this is a Pilonidal waxing service.