Are you starting over in a new city and/or state and trying to find your Esthetician?
If you’re new to an area, you know how challenging it can be to find new providers for all your necessities. How should you go about finding someone for your skincare, waxing and makeup needs? Do the research, Google and Bing are great search engines. Word of mouth, driving by and seeing signage, networking groups, business cards and flyers you see up, asking people you come across in your local circles.
Remember to ask questions to make sure your Esthetician knows what they are doing and that they have your best interest at heart. In 31 years of being an Esthetician, I’ve heard a lot of horror stories from people who got bad waxing services. Most nail shops may have an esthetics license but their training is not as advanced and they usually only do limited areas on the body.
Make sure you see licensing up on the walls as this will show you a person’s credentials. Calling or emailing with any questions or concerns that you may have, is also very important. What kind of wax are you looking for? Soft or Hard or a combo of both? What type of facial service are you wanting and what is your goal to achieve, relaxation, hydration, peels, microneedling, dermaplaning etc? After you have narrowed it down, it will be much easier to find someone that is a good fit for you. Last but not least, look to see how good their website is and look at their “About” page to see if they’ve written anything about themselves to give you an insight to their experience.
I too have relocated to a new city and state and as I try to find new providers, my hope is that people find me too! For any of you Esthetic, Makeup, Lash or Image Consulting needs please book an appointment with me!